NOA-Jeads Enterprises-Procurement of Supplies and Materials in MADRASAH Program
NOA-Jeads Enterprises-Procurement of Bond Papers and Computer Ink for Printing/Reproduction of Learning Materials
NOA-Jeads Enterprises-Procurement of Supplies and Materials in ALS Program
NOA-Conjun Enterprises-Procurement of Office Supplies
NOA-Adrhena’s Consumer Goods Trading-Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Health and Hygiene Kits in ALS Program
NOA-Adrhena’s Consumer Goods Trading-Procurement of Bond Papers and Computer Ink for Reproduction of RPL Assessment Forms
NOA-Aicee Catering Food Services-Food Provision for the Conduct of the Capacity Building on Comprehensive Sexuality Education
NOA-Aicee Catering Food Services-Food Provision for the Conduct of Division Training on Establishing and Implementing School Virtual Reading Clinic for Struggling and Non-Readers
10th Ave., cor. P. Sevilla St., Grace Park, Caloocan City