Webinar on Assessment Strategies in The New Normal
Previous Next The Schools Division Office through the Curriculum Implementation Division conducted a webinar on Assessment Strategies in the New Normal for two consecutive Saturdays, October 17 and October 24, 2020 from 8:00 – 12:00 NN streamed live on SDO-CID Facebook Page, aimed at capacitating teachers on the different assessment strategies in the new normal. continue reading : Webinar on Assessment Strategies in The New Normal

Webinar on the Utilization of Facebook / Messenger as a Platform on Distance Learning
WEBINAR ON THE UTILIZATION OF FACEBOOK/MESSENGER AS A PLATFORM ON DISTANCE LEARNING In preparation for the opening of classes this school year 2020 – 2021, the Schools Division Office of Caloocan through the Curriculum and Implementation Division (CID) conducted a webinar on the Utilization of Facebook/Messenger as a Platform on Distance Learning, on July 8, 2020, from continue reading : Webinar on the Utilization of Facebook / Messenger as a Platform on Distance Learning

Division Webinar on Utilization and Development of e-Book using Kotobee Author
DIVISION WEBINAR ON UTILIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF E-BOOK USING KOTOBEE AUTHOR In response to the call of the Department of Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones to ensure learning continuity using multiple learning modalities by providing corresponding training for teachers and school leaders, the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) of SDO-Caloocan conducted the “Utilization and Development of continue reading : Division Webinar on Utilization and Development of e-Book using Kotobee Author

Online Orientation for the Content Writers, Validators and Illustrators on the Guidelines for the Development of SLMs for All Learning Areas
ONLINE ORIENTATION FOR THE CONTENT WRITERS, VALIDATORS AND ILLUSTRATORS ON THE GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SLMS FOR ALL LEARNING AREAS The Division Orientation on the Development of Contextualized Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) for All Learning Areas was conducted by the Schools Division Office of Caloocan City for the content writers, continue reading : Online Orientation for the Content Writers, Validators and Illustrators on the Guidelines for the Development of SLMs for All Learning Areas

CID Leads 2020 Teacher Recruitment Activities
CID LEADS 2020 TEACHER RECRUITMENT ACTIVITIES The Schools Division Office of Caloocan through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) headed by Education Program Supervisor/OIC – Chief, Dr. Jocelyn M. Aliñab, provided support and technical assistance in the recruitment of teacher applicants for school year 2020-2021. Public School District Supervisors assigned to continue reading : CID Leads 2020 Teacher Recruitment Activities